2023 Captain’s Address

Captain’s Address - 2023 Season

30 Years and counting……

Dear Members, friends and family of the ACGA,

I'd like to wish everyone a warm welcome to the 2023 golfing season.

Captain Phil Nugent, Vice-Captain Mark Henry and long standing Lady member Ingrid Clark

This particular year is special as it marks the 30th anniversary of the African Caribbean Golf Association. Who could have envisaged this? A group of friends with a love and desire to play golf at a variety of courses around the UK would have culminated in 30 years of ACGA events and tours.

Our secretary Frank Skinner is one of the founding members, and if you have a moment to look in the gallery on our website, there are an abundance of pictures that capture the essence of what the ACGA has been all about, these past 30 years.

This year will see us embark on an overseas event in Turkey, as well as our coveted Majors, a singles tournament and an inter society golf match against the Titans and CGS who are located in the South West and Midlands area respectively. 

 Several new 30th Anniversary logo’s have been created, and there will be a limited run of commemorative shirts and caps featuring these which will be produced in conjunction with Adidas and Black British Golfers. As the world of golf continually strives to be more inclusive, some of the basic traditions and values need to be emphasized even more. We all have a duty of care and a responsibility to fellow golfers, regardless of their gender, age, or skin tone. Aggressive, sexist and abusive behaviour, has no place and will not be tolerated at our ACGA golf events. if any such behavior is witnessed, it needs to be called out.

 We are amateur golfers, and we participate in a sport that is very enjoyable (when things are good), and extremely frustrating when having a bad day. This does not give us a license (when things are bad) to ruin the day of the other members in our 4 ball. 

 Last season in our penultimate Major tournament at West Herts GC, I was fortunate enough to experience a zen, as I subsequently referred to it, round of golf. I didn’t win the tournament, but the eventual winner Colin Parsons was in my 4 ball. It was such a pleasure playing with Bose, Cass and Colin, all long standing ACGA members who contributed to such a harmonious afternoon of golf.

 I am looking forward to our exciting 30th Anniversary events, and hopefully a few rounds of Zen Golf in 2023. 

 Hope to see many of our past, and present members, along the way!

Phil Nugent

ACGA Captain 2022/2023


Captain Mark leads from the front!


Randy Plowright doubles up